Friday 29 January 2010

The Innate Mission of Shri Sarveshwari Samooh

1- National welfare is of Paramount importance.
2- Consider all human beings to be brethren.
3- Consideration and having motherly affection for the whole women hood.
4- Creation of conducive atmosphere for the homogenous development of boys and girls.
5- The serve the helpless and neglected and to create feeling of honor for them in society.
6- To provide equal forum for the exchange of fundamental religious feelings of the mankind.
7- To make successful Endeavour for the total eradication of social ends.(e.g. conservatism, superstation, addition, demand of dowry, etc.)

‘ Sarveshwari twam pahimam Sarnagatam.’

(Exonerate me from evils, I protrate to you)

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