Wednesday 17 February 2010

Useful Message Of Aghoreshwar

Policy and Religion
Sudharma!!! Policy is eyeless. Religion is legless. One is blind, other is lame.
Sudharma!! The ruler should make the poise of two. One, who is an able administrator, is the fulfiller of human aspiration; he is co-coordinator of the two.
He increases national-glory. He establishes fame of the nation policy and religion if
Poles apart the balance between brain and leg is not maintained.
Sudharma! It is the cause of discord. It is hearsay. In the beginning of the creation the pre-ordeal
Person sucked the thumb keeping it in his mouth. You must have heard, Sudharma! It in its symbol, it is the line sketch of that primordial person.
Sudharma! Such outlook is to be adopted Sudharma.

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